Homes for Poor Families

Alleviate Poverty: Give the Gift of Shelter
Imagine the joy of providing a safe, secure home to a family in need. In many parts of the world, poverty forces families to live in inadequate and unsafe conditions. Our mission is to change that by offering dignified housing solutions and essential amenities. From one-bedroom houses to larger homes for growing families, our projects provide not just shelter but a foundation for a better future. We also address special needs, such as building accessible washrooms for disabled persons, and ensuring everyone can live with dignity. Moreover, clean water is a basic necessity, and we aim to provide it through small and large water pumps and wells, especially in water-scarce regions like Africa and Rural Areas of Pakistan. By donating to these projects, you can directly impact lives, offering not just a home but hope for a brighter, more stable future. Join us in our mission to alleviate poverty and provide the gift of shelter to those who need it most.
Housing Crisis in Pakistan: The Struggle of Landowners to Build Safe Homes

Housing Shortage
Pakistan faces a severe housing shortage, with an estimated backlog of 10 million housing units, significantly affecting the low-income population.

Inadequate Housing Conditions
Pakistan faces a severe housing shortage, with an estimated backlog of 10 million housing units, significantly affecting the low-income population.

Land Ownership and Construction Inability
Despite owning land, many poor families in Pakistan cannot afford to construct homes due to the high costs of building materials and lack of access to affordable financing options.

Vulnerable Populations
A significant portion of the population, particularly in rural areas, lives in substandard housing. This is exacerbated by limited access to resources and infrastructure, further hindering their ability to improve living conditions.

Economic Constraints
The high cost of living, coupled with low incomes, makes it challenging for many families to save enough for home construction, even when they own land. This financial barrier perpetuates the cycle of inadequate housing and poverty.
Struggles of Widows and Orphans When it Comes to Building Their Homes

Limited Financial Resources
Widows and orphans often lack the financial means to build homes due to the loss of the primary breadwinner. They may rely on insufficient social welfare or charitable support, which is inadequate for covering housing costs.

Lack of Access to Credit
Without a stable income or assets, widows and orphans typically do not qualify for loans or financing options that could help them build or purchase homes. This lack of access to credit further limits their ability to secure adequate housing.

Legal and Property Issues
In many cases, widows and orphans may face legal challenges in claiming property rights. They may struggle with inheritance disputes or lack the necessary documentation to prove ownership, making it difficult to secure land for building.

Social and Cultural Barriers
Widows, in particular, may face social stigmas or cultural barriers that hinder their ability to participate in economic activities or assert their rights. This societal marginalisation can restrict their access to the resources needed to build homes.

High Costs of Construction
The cost of building materials and labour is often prohibitive for widows and orphans, especially in the absence of sufficient savings or financial support. This economic barrier is compounded by inflation and rising prices in the construction sector.
Building Futures: HCR’s Homes for Poor Families Programme
At HCR, we believe that a safe and secure home is the foundation of a brighter future. Our “Homes for Poor Families” programme is dedicated to providing essential housing solutions for the most vulnerable, including widows, orphans, and low-income families in Pakistan. Through this initiative, we construct affordable and dignified homes, ensuring that families have a stable place to live and thrive.
Our programme not only provides shelter but also restores hope and dignity. We focus on building houses that are safe, durable, and equipped with basic amenities. For widows and orphans, who often face legal, financial, and social challenges, our support extends beyond just construction. We assist with property rights, provide access to resources, and offer community support to help them secure and maintain their homes.
By supporting HCR’s Homes for Poor Families programme, you can help create a lasting impact. Together, we can provide more than just walls and a roof; we can offer a new beginning for those in need. Join us in building a future where every family has the opportunity to live with security, dignity, and hope.
Quran on Caring for Widows and Orphans
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:220)
“And they ask you about the orphans. Say, ‘Improving their condition is best, and if you mix your affairs with theirs – they are your brothers. And Allah knows the corrupter from the amender. And if Allah had willed, He could have put you in difficulty. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.’”
Surah An-Nisa (4:10)
“Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. And they will be burned in a Blaze.”
Image: Orphans receiving their sponsorship allowance. Continue sponsoring orphans with HCR.
Hadith on Caring for Widows and Orphans
Sahih Al-Bukhari (Volume 7, Book 64, Hadith 279)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah’s cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day.”
Sahih Muslim (Book 42, Hadith 7108)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this,” (putting his index and middle fingers together).
Image: A widow receiving her sponsorship allowance. Continue sponsoring widows with HCR.
HCR – Help Alleviate Poverty
We are a UK-based international relief and development charity. Inspired by Islamic teachings of empathy, generosity, and selflessness, we focus on alleviating poverty and suffering across the world. We operate a 100% Zakat Policy, which means every single penny of your Zakat will go to the victims of poverty, wars, and natural disasters.
Before you support our Homes for Poor Families Programme, Food Appeal, Water Appeal, Gaza Emergency Appeal, Syria Emergency Appeal, Pakistan Floods Appeal, or any Emergency Appeal, remember to make the intention that you are donating for the sake of Allah first and helping your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters second. This is very important because as Muslims, whatever act of worship we do, we do it for the sake of Allah.
Along with our emergency appeals, we are working on some amazing projects which will, Insha’Allah, bring prosperity to many Muslim homes from around the world. Donate your Sadaqah and Zakat to our projects like Build a Masjid, Livelihoods for the Poor, Sponsor a Widow, Sponsor an Orphan, Sponsor a Nikah, Donate a Sewing Machine, or help educate the Ummah by donating towards education projects, Sponsoring a Hafiz, Sponsoring a Child in Education, or supporting young people in university and Islamic education. Donate with confidence, Insha’Allah, every penny of your donation is your Amanah, and we will try our best to spend it on people who are in need.
Every year, we as Muslims celebrate two seasons the most: one, Ramadan, and two, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. During these blessed days, we put all our efforts into pleasing Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى by performing good deeds. Here at HCR, we provide you with the platform to perform an important act of worship: charity. In Ramadan, you can donate to the Ramadan Food Appeal, and Ramadan Zakat Appeal, Donate Your Fidyah, Donate Your Fitrana, and Pay Your Kaffarah for Breaking Oath or Breaking Fast, especially during the blessed nights of Laylatul Qadr. In Dhul Hijjah, we are here to help fulfil your duty of performing Qurbani. Whichever cause you choose, choose it with confidence. Insha’Allah.