Build a Masjid

Help Promote the Dawah of the Quran and Sunnah
Our mission is to build masjids that serve as hubs for promoting the pure teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Each masjid will be maintained by the people of Sunnah, ensuring that the principles of Islam are upheld in their truest form. These masjids will host educational programs, Quran classes, and community events aimed at deepening the understanding of Islam and fostering a strong, knowledgeable Ummah.
By donating to the building of masjids, you are investing in the spiritual well-being of countless individuals. Your donations will help create spaces where the Quran is recited, understood, and lived by. These masjids will provide:
Why Build a Masjid?
Your support in building masjids has a lasting impact. It provides a place for the remembrance of Allah (SWT), educates future generations, and strengthens the Muslim community. It is a continuous charity (Sadaqah Jariyah) that will earn you ongoing rewards even after you leave this world.
Build a Masjid as a Sadaqah Jariyah for Your Loved Ones
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, when a person passes away, all his actions terminate but three…
What would be a better Sadaqah Jariyah (Continuing Charity) than building a house of Allah? This is the ultimate way of saying shukr to Allah for His blessings and showing your love and affection for your loved ones.
Image: A Masjid built by HCR in a rural community in Pakistan. Build a Masjid with HCR.
Virtues of Building a Masjid
Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى says:
“The Mosques of Allah shall be maintained only by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day. They perform Salah (prayer), and give Zakat (charity) and fear none but Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance.”
[at-Tawbah 9:18]
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
“Whoever builds a Mosque for the sake of Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) will build for him likewise in Paradise.”
(Bukhari, Muslim)

Build a Masjid with a Purpose – Help Promote the Dawah of Quran and Sunnah
The act of building a masjid is a significant and rewarding deed in Islam, providing a space for worship, community gathering, and spreading the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. By supporting this noble cause, you are not only constructing a physical structure but also laying the foundation for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Masjids serve as the heart of Islamic communities. They are not just places for daily prayers but also centres for learning, community support, and spreading Islamic teachings.
Build a Masjid and Help Support Hufaaz and Imams
The pursuit of Islamic education is essential in nurturing our spiritual and communal strength, and the masjid plays a vital role in this.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
“The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it”
(Sahih Bukhari)
By sponsoring a Hafiz or an Imam, you are playing a crucial role in preserving and spreading the teachings of Islam. Hufaaz memorise and recite the Quran, while Imams lead our communities with knowledge and wisdom.
Your donations ensure that these dedicated individuals receive the necessary resources and training to excel in their roles. This support not only enhances their personal spiritual journeys but also benefits the wider Ummah by fostering educated and inspiring leaders. Join us in this noble cause and help illuminate the path of knowledge and faith for future generations. May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى reward your generosity.
All this is only possible if the mosques are maintained by a dedicated team and people who understand the importance of spreading Allah’s deen. Help build mosques in areas where people are living in extreme poverty and do not even have enough to eat twice a day. By building a masjid in this community, we ignite the fire of change, which could bring hundreds of families out of poverty.
Image: Hifz students at a Mosque built by HCR in Rural Pakistan. Build a Masjid with HCR.
HCR – Help Alleviate Poverty
We are a UK-based international relief, development and education charity. Inspired by Islamic teachings of empathy, generosity, and selflessness, we focus on alleviating poverty and suffering across the world. We operate a 100% Zakat Policy, which means every single penny of your Zakat will go to the victims of poverty, wars, and natural disasters.
Before you support our Food Appeal, Water Appeal, Gaza Emergency Appeal, Syria Emergency Appeal, Yemen Emergency Appeal, Pakistan Appeal, or any Emergency Appeal, remember to make the intention that you are donating for the sake of Allah first and helping your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters second. This is very important because as Muslims, whatever act of worship we do, we do it for the sake of Allah.
Along with our emergency appeals, we are working on some amazing projects which will, Insha’Allah, bring prosperity to many Muslim homes from around the world. Donate your Sadaqah and Zakat to our projects like Build a Masjid, Livelihoods for the Poor, Sponsor a Widow, Sponsor an Orphan, Sponsor a Nikah, Donate a Sewing Machine, or help educate the Ummah by donating towards education projects, Sponsoring a Hafiz, Sponsoring a Child in Education, or supporting young people in university and Islamic education. Donate with confidence, Insha’Allah, every penny of your donation is your Amanah, and we will try our best to spend it on people who are in need.
Every year, we as Muslims celebrate two seasons the most: one, Ramadan, and two, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. During these blessed days, we put all our efforts into pleasing Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى by performing good deeds. Here at HCR, we provide you with the platform to perform an important act of worship: charity. In Ramadan, you can donate to the Ramadan Food Appeal, and Ramadan Zakat Appeal, Donate Your Fidyah, Donate Your Fitrana, and Pay Your Kaffarah for Breaking Oath or Breaking Fast, especially during the blessed nights of Laylatul Qadr. In Dhul Hijjah, we are here to help fulfil your duty of performing Qurbani. Whichever cause you choose, choose it with confidence. Insha’Allah.