Food Appeal

The Best Food in front of Allah is the One Shared by Most People
Imagine this: You wake up in the morning, walk into your kitchen, and find absolutely nothing to eat for you and your children. For us, this is just a thought, but for millions around the world, it’s their daily reality.
Islam teaches us to share our blessings, especially food, with those less fortunate. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that the best food in Allah’s sight is what is shared with many. Donating to a food appeal is a generous act that not only feeds the hungry but also strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and unity within the Ummah.
Donate a food pack through the Food Appeal and extend your love and kindness to brothers and sisters facing hunger and starvation.

Best Muslim Give Food in Charity to Others
He is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour goes hungry.
Food is essential for all living beings, yet in the 21st century, 783 million people are battling chronic hunger due to food shortages, conflicts, wars, and natural disasters. The situation is dire, with an additional 333 million individuals uncertain about their next meal. This alarming issue could lead to further complications, including the outbreak of deadly diseases and unprecedented risks to humanity. In these challenging times, it’s crucial to adhere to Islamic principles, such as avoiding hoarding food and not exploiting those in need. By donating to HCR’s food appeal, you can provide a vulnerable family with food for a month, embodying the spirit of compassion and solidarity.
Why Donate to Food Appeal
828 Million
People are facing chronic hunger
individuals don’t know where their next meal will come from
cannot afford two healthy meals a day
50 Million
are on the brink of famine
Seek Allah’s Pleasure by Sharing Food
Allah promises abundant rewards for those who feed the needy.
The Quran says,
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills.”
(Quran 2:261)
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
“Feed the poor and pat the head of the orphan (i.e., show compassion).”
Gaza Food Appeal
of Gaza population is displaced
are surviving on one meal a day
Gaza faces a severe food crisis, with many struggling for their daily meals. Your contribution to the Gaza Food Appeal can provide vital sustenance and a glimmer of hope. Let’s stand together to alleviate hunger in Gaza. Donate now and make a difference.
Image: A family receiving a food pack during the Gaza War. Donate to HCR Food Appeal.
Pakistan Food Appeal
97 Million
Living on or below the Poverty Line
Pakistani Households are Food Insecure
Floods, droughts, earthquakes, conflicts, and poverty—every year, millions of Pakistanis face these challenges. In a country that hosts 15% of the world’s total Muslim population and is the 5th largest by population, millions are pushed into poverty annually. Donate to Pakistan Food Appeal and help provide lifesaving food for struggling families.
Image: A widow who sews clothes to support her orphaned children receives a food pack.
Yemen Food Appeal
21 Million
In need of humanitarian assistance
17 million
facing food insecurity
Through no fault of their own, over 21 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance. Donate to the Yemen Food Appeal and help save lives. Your donation can play a pivotal role in delivering essential food supplies to those who desperately need it.
Image: Children living in camps in Yemen receiving a food pack through HCR Food Appeal.
Syria Food Appeal
13 Million
Displaced & in need of Urgent Help and Support
6.8 million
Internally Displaced in need of Humanitarian Aid
The ongoing conflict in Syria has left countless families in dire need of basic necessities. With limited access to food, many are struggling to find their next meal. Support the Syria Food Appeal to deliver crucial food aid to those affected by this crisis. Your donation can bring relief and nourishment to Syrian families during these challenging times. Join us in our efforts to combat hunger in Syria.
Image: A little girl smiling after receiving a food pack in a refugee camp in Syria. Donate a Food Pack Today!
HCR – Help Alleviate Poverty
We are a UK-based international relief and development charity. Inspired by Islamic teachings of empathy, generosity, and selflessness, we focus on alleviating poverty and suffering across the world. We operate a 100% Zakat Policy, which means every single penny of your Zakat will go to the victims of poverty, wars, and natural disasters.
Before you support our Food Appeal, Water Appeal, Gaza Emergency Appeal, Syria Emergency Appeal, Pakistan Floods Appeal, or any Emergency Appeal, remember to make the intention that you are donating for the sake of Allah first and helping your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters second. This is very important because as Muslims, whatever act of worship we do, we do it for the sake of Allah.
Along with our emergency appeals, we are working on some amazing projects which will, Insha’Allah, bring prosperity to many Muslim homes from around the world. Donate your Sadaqah and Zakat to our projects like Build a Masjid, Livelihoods for the Poor, Sponsor a Widow, Sponsor an Orphan, Sponsor a Nikah, Donate a Sewing Machine, or help educate the Ummah by donating towards education projects, Sponsoring a Hafiz, Sponsoring a Child in Education, or supporting young people in university and Islamic education. Donate with confidence, Insha’Allah, every penny of your donation is your Amanah, and we will try our best to spend it on people who are in need.
Every year, we as Muslims celebrate two seasons the most: one, Ramadan, and two, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. During these blessed days, we put all our efforts into pleasing Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى by performing good deeds. Here at HCR, we provide you with the platform to perform an important act of worship: charity. In Ramadan, you can donate to the Ramadan Food Appeal, and Ramadan Zakat Appeal, Donate Your Fidyah, Donate Your Fitrana, and Pay Your Kaffarah for Breaking Oath or Breaking Fast, especially during the blessed nights of Laylatul Qadr. In Dhul Hijjah, we are here to help fulfil your duty of performing Qurbani. Whichever cause you choose, choose it with confidence. Insha’Allah.